Sunday, June 6, 2010


A very few random shots of yesterday's event from my mobil phone.


The Queens throne...


My retail wall (in the original Lestats - near the main counter & Baristas.

Various Artists and the expanded corner room. (All praise John Husler for supporting local Artists and his dedication to making Lestats so unique 24-7!)

Amazing works from Andrew Lucas. I've been wanting the huge Satanic Jesus wall mural over at LeStats West for 6 years now.

@Lestats WEST - Live music all day/night long! (Props to Lou, as always.)

@ Art Of Framing (practically next door)

@ Smitty's Service down the road a ways (Todo Mundo - live)

METROPOLIS playing on the big screen @ the historic Ken Cinema! (more on that later in the week - promise!)

The KEN cinema in the forground and an outdoor shot of the after-party @ The Ken Club (also pretty historic - or hysteric..depending on the night, etc.)

And the good old Ken cafe (my AM haunt) and the end of the walk for me. I'll probably see that place in a few hours, mug in hand.


Goodnight moon......


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